Giving students agency through freedom of creating their own worlds and making their own decisions in terms of what stories they tell and how they represent themselves and others can be one of the most powerful tools of teaching and relationship-building. Giving them that kind of control, while attentively helping when necessary, is one of the most important building blocks of mutual trust, which in turn, leads to creating fruitful and beneficial learning environments.



An innovative art + technology after school program

01/10/23 - 06/05/23

Digital Fairgrounds is a cutting edge after school program at the Westside Fairground Boys and Girls Club that will focus on art + technology programming such as animation, 3D scanning and printing, audio production, video production, augmented reality, and virtual reality. Digital Fairgrounds will be held four days a week after RPS school hours. The program will offer two age group sections and a variety of introductory level classes and exposure to new and digital media. This pioneering program will be led by local art educators (Two of whom are RPS 205 teachers at Auburn High School, CAPA West Middle School), who hold Masters and PHD degrees in art + technology from internationally recognized universities. 




NEW WAYS is a dynamic collaboration between three Rockford nonprofits: Rockford Area Arts Council, United Way of Rock River Valley, and New Genres Art Space. Led by educators who hold various arts technology and education degrees, from internationally recognized universities, United Way’s Irving Avenue Strong Neighborhood Strong House offer summer classes in animation, sound art, and 3-D printing for 11-17 year olds.